Holding Space for Real Feelings: Why It’s Okay to Admit When Things Are Tough

Let’s be real: we live in a world where positivity is often pushed as the only way to be. But here’s the truth: it’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to say, “This year has been hard,” without feeling like you’re failing or being negative. As someone who values authenticity, balance, and boundaries, I believe it’s crucial to hold space for all our emotions—the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Acknowledging the Struggle:

2024 has been a challenging year for so many small business owners and entrepreneurs, myself included. There’s no shame in admitting that. In fact, acknowledging what we’re going through is the first step in moving forward. Pretending everything is always good just to keep up appearances doesn’t help us grow—it only pushes us further into isolation and makes us feel disconnected from our true selves.

It’s important to remember that it’s okay to do what you need to do to keep going, even if that means pivoting, reorganizing, adjusting your goals, or taking a step back to care for yourself. We’re all out here trying to figure it out—no one has the cheat code. Sometimes the issue has to do with something you need to adjust, sometimes the issue has nothing to do with you and outside of your control. What matters is that you keep going, keep trying, keep dreaming, and keep learning. Your journey, with all its ups and downs, is part of your story, and it’s worth telling.

The Importance of Authenticity:

I believe in REAL authenticity. Part of that means being real about where we are in our journey, not just where we want to be. Authenticity isn’t about pretending life is perfect; it’s about being honest with ourselves and others, even when things are tough. It’s about showing up as our true selves, with all our strengths and struggles, and finding the courage to say, “This is hard, but I’m still here, and I’m still trying.”

When you’re able to share the tough parts of your story—the parts that talk about resilience, belief, and strength—you not only inspire others, but you also remind yourself of your own power. This chapter of your life, no matter how hard it feels right now, is going to be a part of your story. And when you look back, you’ll see just how much you’ve grown.

Why Holding Space Matters:

Allowing yourself to feel and express your struggles is a form of self-care. It creates space for healing, and it lets others know that it’s okay to do the same. Holding space for our feelings doesn’t mean wallowing in negativity; it means acknowledging the full range of our experiences and understanding that it’s okay to be vulnerable. That’s where real growth happens—when we stop pretending and start being real.

Admitting that you’re having a hard time isn’t just about being honest with yourself—it also lets people know that you might need support. When you share your struggles, you give your village the chance to step in, offer help, or simply listen. We all need a strong support system, and being vulnerable enough to say, “I need help,” is how we keep those connections strong.

Speaking of support systems… let’s talk about being careful of labeling someone as “negative.” Before you slap that label on someone, take a step back and think—do you really know the full context of what they’re going through? You may not share their experience and you may feel the opposite, but is it really about your point of view when someone is being honest about what they are going through? When you call someone negative for sharing their struggles, you make them feel unsafe to be real with you. And that’s not what any of us need, especially when we’re already going through tough times. Take care not to invalidate their feelings or experiences and simply be there to listen and lend advice if they ask for it.

Uplifting Each Other Through Hard Times:

It’s easy to share our wins and successes, but it’s just as important to share our challenges. By doing so, we remind each other that we’re not alone. If you’re having a tough year, it’s okay to say so. It doesn’t mean you’re not strong or capable—it just means you’re human. Let’s uplift each other by being honest about where we are and supporting one another through the ups and downs.

We don’t just need the good parts of the story; we need the parts that talk about the challenges too. Those are the parts that will inspire someone else and remind you of your own power the next time you face a rough patch. And remember, sharing your truth can invite your village to step in and support you, helping you find the strength to keep moving forward.

moving forward:

As we move through the rest of 2024, let’s commit to working to the best of our ability to have the best days we can. Let’s commit to being real with ourselves and each other. Let’s hold space for the difficult moments and recognize that it’s okay to not be ok. By embracing our authenticity, we can find the strength to keep moving forward, no matter what challenges come our way. Your story, with all its twists and turns, is going to be DAMN good. And remember, it’s not just your story—it’s part of a bigger community where we support each other, lift each other up, and make sure no one has to go through the tough times alone.

Hears to putting the mask down and being done with only showing the highlight reels.


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