Embracing Growth: My Journey with Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women: Black in Business

Photo Courtesy of Lauren Jackson

Hey, What’s Up!

I want to share an incredible experience I recently completed that has enriched me both personally and professionally. I was fortunate to be part of Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women: Black in Business, a program designed to support Black women entrepreneurs in building and scaling their businesses. This program has been a game-changer for me, offering insights, challenges, and a community that pushed me to new heights.

I went back to New York on my birthday, June 17th, to graduate from this program and am proud to now be a graduate! The past six weeks were filled with hard work, learning challenging new concepts, and creating an action plan to implement these lessons into my business. There were moments of excitement and moments of frustration, but through it all, I had the support of my amazing business advisor, Lauren Jackson, and my incredibly encouraging growth group of fellow scholars working alongside me.

Photo Courtesy of Lauren Jackson

At our graduation, we were asked two powerful questions that really made us think about our journey and growth. These questions were a great way to reflect on how far we've come and where we're headed next.

What Advice Would I Give to the Person I Was Back in March? (Before starting this cohort)

If I could go back to March and give myself some advice, it would be this:
Jasmine, don't be afraid to unlearn. Just because you don’t learn a certain way doesn’t mean you’re not smart enough to run your business—you simply have your unique way of processing things. Practice how you process. Remember, just because you didn’t start your business with the knowledge you are about to gain, doesn’t mean you did it wrong. Look at all you’ve accomplished without knowing what you will soon learn. You're a badass. Own it. Treasure it. Marvel at it. Big things and brilliant ideas will come out of this experience.

Think about it, Jasmine. You've built something amazing from scratch, without a guidebook or a roadmap. Now, you're armed with new strategies and insights that will only amplify your success. Embrace the process of unlearning and relearning. It's not a sign of failure; it’s a testament to your growth and adaptability.

What Did I Learn from This Program?

Unlearning control and resistance was a big one. Let it flow. Take your opportunities wherever you can find them. Always look for the lesson, the silver lining, the grace, the understanding, and the wisdom you will gain. You're exactly where you need to be for your journey to speak volumes and create the ripples you were put here to make.

This program taught me the importance of flexibility and the power of going with the flow. Sometimes, the best opportunities come from the unexpected, and the most profound lessons are learned in moments of discomfort. Trust the journey. Embrace the changes. Find the beauty in every twist and turn, because that’s where growth happens.

The support from Lauren and my growth group was invaluable. They reminded me that it’s okay to lean on others, to seek advice, and to share my struggles. We’re stronger together, and their encouragement fueled my determination to push through the tough times.

Being part of Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women: Black in Business has been transformative. It challenged me, pushed me, and ultimately made me a better entrepreneur and person. To anyone considering this program, I say go for it. Embrace the challenges, lean into the discomfort, and open yourself up to the endless possibilities that come with growth and learning.

Thank you, Goldman Sachs, for this incredible opportunity. And to my fellow entrepreneurs out there, keep pushing forward. Remember, growth happens outside of your comfort zone. Continue to support each other and rise together.

Check out recap of the entire trip on my Instagram!

Photo Courtesy of Lauren Jackson


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